12 June 2024
Craig J. Anderson, Lana Talmane, Juliet Luft, John Connelly, Michael D. Nicholson, Jan C. Verburg, Oriol Pich, Susan Campbell, Marco Giaisi, Pei-Chi Wei, Vasavi Sundaram, Frances Connor, Paul A. Ginno, Takayo Sasaki, David M. Gilbert, Liver Cancer Evolution Consortium, Núria López-Bigas, Colin A. Semple, Duncan T. Odom*, Sarah J. Aitken*, Martin S. Taylor*
Read the #StrandInteractions tweetorial here.
Read our Nature Research Briefing here:
DNA strands show symmetry in damage tolerance but asymmetries in repair efficiency
21 October 2021
Stanley W. K. Ng, Foad J. Rouhani, Simon F. Brunner, Natalia Brzozowska, Sarah J. Aitken, Ming Yang, Federico Abascal, Luiza Moore, Efterpi Nikitopoulou, Lia Chappell, Daniel Leongamornlert, Aleksandra Ivovic, Philip Robinson, Timothy Butler, Mathijs A. Sanders, Nicholas Williams, Tim H. H. Coorens, Jon Teague, Keiran Raine, Adam P. Butler, Yvette Hooks, Beverley Wilson, Natalie Birtchnell, Huw Naylor, Susan E. Davies, Michael R. Stratton, Iñigo Martincorena, Raheleh Rahbari, Christian Frezza, Matthew Hoare & Peter J. Campbell
Nature 2021;598:473–478
24 June 2020
Sarah J Aitken, Craig J Anderson, Frances Connor, Oriol Pich, Vasavi Sundaram, Christine Feig, Tim F Rayner, Margus Lukk, Stuart Aitken, Juliet Luft, Elissavet Kentepozidou, Claudia Arnedo-Pac, Sjoerd V Beentjes, Susan E Davies, Ruben M Drews, Ailith Ewing, Vera B Kaiser, Ava Khamseh, Erika López-Arribillaga, Aisling M Redmond, Javier Santoyo-Lopez, Inés SentÃs, Lana Talmane, Andrew D Yates, Liver Cancer Evolution Consortium, Colin A Semple, Núria López-Bigas, Paul Flicek, Duncan T Odom, Martin S Taylor
Nature 2020;583(7815):265-270
Strands of evidence about cancer evolution
07 January 2020
Elissavet Kentepozidou, Sarah J. Aitken, Christine Feig, Klara Stefflova, Ximena Ibarra-Soria, Duncan T. Odom, Maša Roller, Paul Flicek
Genome Biology. 2020;21:5
23 October 2019
Simon F Brunner, Nicola D Roberts, Luke A Wylie, Luiza Moore, Sarah J Aitken, Susan E Davies, Mathijs A Sanders, Pete Ellis, Chris Alder, Yvette Hooks, Federico Abascal, Michael R Stratton, Inigo Martincorena, Matthew Hoare, Peter J Campbell
Nature. 2019;574:538-542
01 October 2018
Frances Connor, Tim F Rayner, Sarah J Aitken, Christine Feig, Margus Lukk, Javier Santoyo-Lopez, Duncan T Odom
Journal of Hepatology. 2018;69(4):840-850
07 August 2018
Sarah J Aitken*, Ximena Ibarra-Soria*, Elissavet Kentepozidou, Paul Flicek, Christine Feig, John C Marioni, Duncan T Odom
*SJA and XIS contributed equally.
Genome Biology. 2018;19:106.
* Corresponding author. **Equal contribution. Aitken Lab members
HC Chen, N Mueller, K Stott, C Kapeni, E Rivers, CM Sauer, F Beke, SJ Walsh, N Ashman, L O’Brien, A Rafati Fard, A Godsinia, C Li, F Joud, O Giger, I Zlobec, I Olan, SJ Aitken, M Hoare, R Mair, E Serrao, JD Brenton, A Garcia-Gimenez, SE Richardson, B Huntly, DR Spring, MO Skjoedt, K Skjødt, M de la Roche, M de la Roche. Novel immunotherapeutics against LGR5 to target multiple cancer types. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44321-024-00121-2
ASL Chan, H Zhu, M Narita, LD Cassidy, ARJ Young, C Bermejo-Rodriguez, AT Janowska, HC Chen, S Gough, N Oshimori, L Zender, SJ Aitken, M Hoare, M Narita. Titration of RAS alters senescent state and influences tumour initiation. Nature. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07797-z
CJ Anderson, L Talmane, J Luft, J Connelly, MD Nicholson, JC Verburg, O Pich, S Campbell, M Giaisi, P-C Wei, V Sundaram, F Connor, PA Ginno, T Sasaki, DM Gilbert, Liver Cancer Evolution Consortium, N López Bigas, CA Semple, DT Odom*, SJ Aitken*, MS Taylor*. Strand-resolved mutagenicity of DNA damage and repair. Nature. 2024;630:744–751. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07490-1
Research Briefing: SJ Aitken & MS Taylor. DNA strands show symmetry in damage tolerance but asymmetries in repair efficiency. Nature. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-02561-9
MD Nicholson, CJ Anderson, DT Odom, SJ Aitken, MS Taylor. DNA lesion bypass and the stochastic dynamics of transcription-coupled repair. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024;121:e2403871121. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2403871121
Commentary: YY Chiou & MG Kemp. RNA polymerase tracking along damaged DNA: Impact on DNA repair and mutagenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024;121(23):e2408073121. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2408073121
PA Ginno, H Borgers, C Ernst, A Schneider, M Behm, SJ Aitken, MS Taylor* & DT Odom*. Single-mitosis dissection of acute and chronic DNA mutagenesis and repai. Nature Genetics. 2024;56:913–924. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01712-y
X Pan, K Abdul Jabbar**, J Coelho-Lima**, AI Grapa, H Zhang, HKA Cheung, J Baena, T Karasaki, CR Wilson, M Sereno, S Veeriah, SJ Aitken, A Hackshaw, AG Nicholson, M Jamal-Hanjani, TRACERx Consortium, C Swanton, Y Yuan*, J Le Quesne*, DA Moore*. The artificial intelligence-based model ANORAK improves histopathological grading of lung adenocarcinoma. Nature Cancer. 2024;5:347–363. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43018-023-00694-w
G Ciriello*, L Magnani*, SJ Aitken, L Akkari, S Behjati, D Hanahan, DA Landau, N Lopez-Bigas, DG Lupiáñez, J-C Marine, A Martin-Villalba, G Natoli, AC Obenauf, E Oricchio, P Scaffidi, A Sottoriva, A Swarbrick, G Tonon, S Vanharanta, J Zuber. Cancer evolution: a multifaceted affair. Cancer Discovery. 2024;14(1):36–48. https://doi.org/10.1158/2159-8290.CD-23-0530
[PREPRINT] A Chan**, H Zhu**, M Narita, L Cassidy, A Young, C Bermejo-Rodriguez, A Janowska, N Oshimori, L Zender, SJ Aitken, M Hoare, M Narita*. Titration of oncogenic RAS alters senescent state and influences tumour initiation. Research Square.
[PRIPRINT] CJ Anderson, L Talmane, J Luft, MD Nicholson, J Connelly, O Pich, S Campbell, V Sundaram, F Connor, PA Ginno, Liver Cancer Evolution Consortium, N López Bigas, P Flicek, CA Semple, DT Odom*, SJ Aitken*, MS Taylor*. Strand-resolved mutagenicity of DNA damage and repair. bioRxiv. 2022.06.10.495644 https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.10.495644
[PREPRINT] HC Chen, N Mueller, K Stott, E Rivers, C Kapeni, CM Sauer, F Beke, S Walsh, N Ashman, L O’Brien, A Rafati Fard, A Godsinia, A Joud, I Giger, I Zlobec, I Olan, SJ Aitken, M Hoare, R Mair, E Serrao, JD Brenton, A Garcia-Gimenez, SE Richardson, B Huntly, DR Spring, MO Skjødt, K Skjødt, M de la Roche, M de la Roche. Novel therapeutic LGR5 antibodies targeting multiple cancer types. bioRxiv. 2022.09.01.506182 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.09.01.506182
J Wang, P Kotagiri, PA Lyons, RS Al-Lamki, F Mescia, L Bergamaschi, L Turner, MD Morgan, FJ Calero-Nieto, K Bach, N Mende, NK Wilson, ER Watts, PH Maxwell, PF Chinnery, N Kingston, S Papadia, KE Stirrups, N Walker, RK Gupta, DK Menon, KSJ Allinson, SJ Aitken, M Toshner, MP Weekes, JA Nathan, SR Walmsley, WH Ouwehand, M Kasanicki, B Göttgens, JC Marioni, KGC Smith, JS Pober, JR Bradley. Coagulation factor V is a T-cell inhibitor expressed by leukocytes in COVID-19. iScience. 2022;25:103971. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.103971
SWK Ng, FJ Rouhani, SF Brunner, N Brzozowska, SJ Aitken, M Yang, F Abascal, L Moore, E Nikitopoulou, L Chappell, D Leongamornlert, A Ivovic, P Robinson, T Butler, MA Sanders, N Williams, THH Coorens, J Teague, K Raine, AP Butler, Y Hooks, B Wilson, N Birtchnell, H Naylor, SE Davies, MR Stratton, I Martincorena, R Rahbari, C Frezza, M Hoare, PJ Campbell. Convergent somatic mutations in metabolism genes in chronic liver disease Nature. 2021;598:473–478. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03974-6
SJ Aitken, CJ Anderson, F Connor, O Pich, V Sundaram, C Feig, TF Rayner, M Lukk, S Aitken, J Luft, E Kentepozidou, C Arnedo-Pac, SV Beentjes, SE Davies, RM Drews, A Ewing, VB Kaiser, A Khamseh, E López-Arribillaga, AM Redmond, J Santoyo-Lopez, I Sentís, L Talmane, AD Yates, Liver Cancer Evolution Consortium, CA Semple, N López-Bigas, P Flicek, DT Odom, MS Taylor. Pervasive lesion segregation shapes cancer genome evolution. Nature. 2020;583:265-270. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2435-1
News and Views article: TA Graham & SE McClelland. Strands of evidence about cancer evolution. Nature. 2020;583:207-209. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-01815-6
Research Highlight: A Dart. Strands of evolution. Nature Reviews Cancer. 2020;20:483. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41568-020-0292-8
R Siersbæk, V Scabia, S Nagarajan, I Chernukhin, EK Papachristou, R Broome, SJ Johnston, SEP Joosten, AR Green, S Kumar, J Jones, S Omarjee, R Alvarez-Fernandez, S Glont, SJ Aitken, K Kishore, D Cheeseman, EA Rakha, C D’Santos, W Zwart, A Russell, C Brisken, JS Carroll. IL6/STAT3 Signaling Hijacks Estrogen Receptor α Enhancers to Drive Breast Cancer Metastasis. Cancer Cell. 2020;38(3):412-423. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2020.06.007
E Kentepozidou, SJ Aitken, C Feig, K Stefflova, X Ibarra-Soria, DT Odom, M Roller, P Flicek. Clustered CTCF binding is an evolutionary mechanism to maintain topologically associating domains. Genome Biology. 2020;21:5. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-019-1894-x
SF Brunner, ND Roberts, LA Wylie, L Moore, SJ Aitken, SE Davies, M Sanders, P Ellis, C Alder, Y Hooks, F Abascal, MR Stratton, I Martincorena, M Hoare, PJ Campbell. Somatic mutations and clonal dynamics in healthy and cirrhotic human liver. Nature. 2019;574:538-542. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1670-9
SJ Aitken*, X Ibarra-SorÂia*, E Kentepozidou, P Flicek, C Feig, JC Marioni, DT Odom. CTCF maintains regulatory homeostasis of cancer pathways. Genome Biology. 2018;19:106. *SJA and XIS contributed equally. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-018-1484-3
F Connor, TF Rayner, SJ Aitken, C Feig, M Lukk, J Santoyo-Lopez, DT Odom. Mutational landscape of a chemically induced mouse model of liver cancer. Journal of Hepatology. 2018;69(4):840-850. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.009
I Quiros-Gonzalez, MR Tomaszewski, SJ Aitken, L Ansel-Bollepalli, LA McDuffus, M Gill, L Hacker, J Brunker, SE Bohndiek. Optoacoustics delineates murine breast cancer models displaying angiogenesis and vascular mimicry. British Journal of Cancer. 2018;118:1098-1106. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41416-018-0033-x
C Ernst, J Pike, SJ Aitken, HK Long, N Eling, L Stojic L, MC Ward, F Connor, TF Rayner, M Lukk, RJ Klose, C Kutter, Odom DT. Successful Transmission and TranscrÂÂiptional Deployment of a Human Chromosome via Mouse Male Meiosis. eLife 2016;5:pii:e20235. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.20235
SJ Aitken, N Presneau, S Kalimuthu, P Dileo, F Berisha, R Tirabosco, MF Amary, AM Flanagan. Next generation sequencing is highly sensitive for the detection of beta-catenin mutations in desmoid-type fibromatoses. Virchows Archives. 2015;467(2):203-10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00428-015-1765-0
SJ Aitken, N Presneau, B Khatri, AM Flanagan, B Clarke, WG McCluggage. Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 are not present in sporadic ovarian sex cord-stromal tumours. Histopathology. 2015;66(6):897-8. https://doi.org/10.1111/his.12489
SJ Aitken, N Presneau, R Tirabosco, MF Amary, P O'Donnell, AM Flanagan. An NRAS mutation in a case of Erdheim Chester disease. Histopathology. 2015;66(2):316-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/his.12443
SJ Aitken, SP Langdon, DJ Harrison, JS Thomas, D Faratian. Quantitative analysis of changes in ER, PR & HER2 expression in primary breast cancer and matched nodal metastases. Annals of Oncology. 2010;21(6):1254-61. https://doi.org/10.1093/annonc/mdp427
D Faratian, SJ Aitken, JS Thomas, SP Langdon, DJ Harrison. Reply to: discordant expression of molecular markers between primary and nodal metastases: a histopathological manifestation of the 'self (stem cell)-seeding' nature of breast cancer disease? Annals of Oncology. 2010;21(6):1375. https://doi.org/10.1093/annonc/mdq046
SJ Aitken, E Landao-Bassonga, SH Ralston, AI Idris. β2-adrenoreceptor ligands regulate osteoclast differentiation in vitro by direct and indirect mechanisms. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2009;482(1-2):96-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abb.2008.11.012
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